
Your inventory management system plays a key role in maintaining an undisrupted supply chain. The more efficient your system is, the less complicated your workflows will be. With so many technological advancements available, there are many ways to enhance inventory management. However, building efficiency doesn’t have to depend solely on hardware. As leading providers of warehouse optimization solutions, Avalon Integration brings you five simple ways to start enhancing your inventory system and how you can implement them in your operations for maximized profitability at a lower TCO.

1. Set Threshold Values

Set Threshold Values

A quality inventory system should be able to establish minimum stock requirements to avoid surprise out-of-stocks

At the very minimum, a quality inventory system should be able to establish minimum stock requirements to avoid surprise out-of-stocks. A step ahead would be to monitor incoming and leaving stock to keep it from dropping below your set threshold. Furthermore, threshold levels can also be applied to your supplies to root out downtime before it happens.

2. Prepare for Triumphs and Trials

Zebra Motionworks for Triumphs and Trials

Your supply chain may be disrupted by outside/uncontrollable factors

2020’s global pandemic has gone a long way to prove there is no such thing as over-preparing. Living within a globalized world, it’s only expected that your supply chain may be disrupted by outside/uncontrollable factors, good and bad, such as:

  • Sudden demand of any particular product
  • Shrinking workforces and rising labor costs
  • Running out of storage space
  • Miscalculations in inventory counting
  • Discontinuing materials

By tracking your inventory’s movement concerning demand, you can better prepare for chaotic moments. Zebra’s MotionWorks software helps deliver a birds-eye view of your moving inventory onto your handheld, so you have everything you need to make informed decisions on the fly.

3. Cycle Counting and Spot Checking

MC2200 Cycle Counting

Zebra’s all-new MC2200/MC2700 mobile computer as the next evolution of streamlined data capture

Regular inventory audits provide dependable certainty that your reported stocks match what’s logged in your WMS; however, this manual process takes a long time when done all at once. Automated cycle counting procedures such as the ones supported by Zebra’s TC52 help you conduct accurate audits without stalling productivity. Another option to consider is Zebra’s all-new MC2200/MC2700 mobile computer as the next evolution of streamlined data capture and intelligent ergonomics.

4. Standardize Your Identification Process

RFID Labels Standardize your Identification Process

When inventory arrives at the warehouse, it must be readily verified and labeled

When inventory arrives at the warehouse, it must be readily verified and labeled; however, as the stock moves around the warehouse, it may need to be relabeled and information may be lost from label to label. By simplifying your labeling process, you can prevent data entry errors and constant reprinting, which wears down printheads and wastes printing supplies.

To streamline label information while diminishing supply costs, RFID labels aggregate as much as 40 identifiers in one tag, simplifying data capture from receiving to shipping.

Another way to simplify standardization is to make sure your operating system is up to date and user-friendly. To accomplish this, Avalon recommends Android’s intuitive platform as it’s been shown to accelerate onboarding and protect data from unauthorized access.

Listen to our newest podcast to learn more about the benefits of Android.

5. Prioritize Inventory

Prioritize Inventory

Labeling is crucial in this factor since barcodes house essential information

This is perhaps the most important of all initiatives you can take. By tracking incoming inventory and current shelved stock, you are able to line up inventory and sell older products first before it loses its value or is no longer sellable.

Accurate labeling is crucial in this factor since barcodes house essential information -such as expiration dates, storage requirements, and delivery dates- throughout your stock’s journey. Quality labels can help make sure you always know which product is on your priority list. To boost labeling efficiency, Avalon has continuously recommended Zebra Certified Consumables due to its rugged adhesive and coating strength.

When it comes to enhancing your inventory management system, every small detail counts. For more simple cost-effective ways to maximize operational efficiency, contact our automation experts here.

Facing an increase of demands for seamless real-time tracking, many businesses are being forced to revisit their tracking systems in search of improvements. As a result, Avalon Integration has made it a priority to make sure our clients understand the differences between the top tracking technologies within today’s markets: RFID and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). 

Download the Warehouse Vision Study

Click here to download the Warehouse Vision Study

Last year’s Zebra’s Warehousing Vision Study estimated over a third of surveyed warehouses will invest in RFID and locationing technologies by 2024. From optimized picking to verified packing, to real-time inventory management, RFID and BLE serve as more than mere tracking systems as they both give you contextual intelligence to restructure operations based on trends and available resources. While they are both similar and useful, several key differences must be understood before choosing your next locationing system.

What will you need?

Zebra RFID Devices

Avalon and Zebra can help you deploy a complete RFID locationing system

Although both solutions can be customized to fit specialized needs, they both have set requirements when it comes to hardware. To deploy a complete RFID locationing system, you’ll need:

  • An Antennae – Your RFID antennae will connect the reader’s signal to the tags. Needless to say, damaged or subpar antennas can damage the whole operation as they can “lose” signals.
  • A Reader – Capturing up to 1000 codes with one trigger pull, your reader can be customized to match frequency type, delivering 99.99% accurate scans in less time than conventional barcoding.
  • Your choice of an active or passive tag – While RFID is significantly more expensive than other locationing systems, it provides greater flexibility in tagging options. Passive tags are more cost-effective since they don’t have any integrated power sources and can reach up to 82ft in the reading range. Active tags can track high-value assets more accurately with embedded power within the tag, covering a range of up to 328ft.

On the flip side, a BLE solution requires:

  • A BLE tag – These tags contain their own power source, which requires less energy from your operations. Tags generally communicate within ranges as high as 20ft.
  • A Reader – Because Bluetooth technology was developed within the same era as most smart devices, many consumer phones and technologies have Bluetooth capabilities and can serve as readers, reducing hardware costs. However, when it comes to securing reliable device performance in harsher environments, Avalon recommends pairing your BLE tags with enterprise-grade hardware instead.

How will your system communicate?

Complete RFID Tracking System

RFID tags communicate via radio-frequency waves with the antennae

RFID tags communicate via radio-frequency waves with the antennae, pinpointing tag location for real-time tracking. Your reader is then able to digest scanned information and transpose it onto your inventory management interface. This communication pattern empowers workers to:

  • Eliminate manual data entry 
  • Accelerate scanning without requiring line of sight
  • Integrate long-distance data capture

Bluetooth locationing differs from RFID in allowing tags to communicate with each other, eliminating complicated networks and wasteful energy. Readers can sense nearby Bluetooth beacons, providing real-time tracking without constant scanning along with:

  • Easiest implementation
  • Trackable users and assets 
  • Smaller power drain

BLE provides a simplified way to integrate real-time visibility into your operations, while RFID serves as a scalable and adaptable tracking system. Nevertheless, there are many other tracking choices you may want to consider.

Final Considerations

Warehouse Employee Scanning with RFID

Whether you choose an RFID or BLE tracking system, both methods will require an interface to collect and display your data. Once again, this is where consumer-grade devices are unsuitable since they would add extra weight to workers who already carry other enterprise-grade devices. To maximize worker comfort and device performance, modernized tracking solutions are tailored to fit into your mobile computer. As a Zebra Premier Solutions Partner, Avalon provides intelligent Zebra mobile computers that accommodate both BLE and RFID tracking systems onto a user-friendly Android system. To see how your mobile device can fit into an optimized tracking solution, contact us here.

Although there are still roughly three months left in the year, e-commerce has already broken industry records and is expected to bring over $4.2 trillion dollars in revenue by the end of the year. As more customers order online, new/fluctuating health guidelines have also resurged alongside the demand for faster service. In the middle of these changes, RFID technology has risen as a modernized solution when it comes to delivering accurate and fast service. As a matter of fact, 41% of decision-makers cite RFID as the best option to improve food traceability, yet only 31% of them currently use it. Unlike previous systems, RFID technology improves inventory management with:

  • Serialized labeling that eases tracking for SKUs
  • Readers that capture more than one code at a time
  • No line of sight required, accelerating order processing

As leaders in modernized efficiency, Avalon Integration investigates the benefits of RFID tracking as it expands operational visibility within your inventory management system.

99.99% Visibility is just the beginning.

As noted earlier, today’s complex operations require dependable visibility in order to properly manage operations. In addition to preventing out-of-stocks and lost assets, RFID tracking can help…

Establish better customer service

Establish better Customer Service

RFID systems reduce delays during production

By locating inventory quickly in real-time, RFID systems reduce delays during production and fulfillment. Consequently, your workforce is better equipped to meet tighter deadlines for faster delivery. 

Moreover, because RFID readers can capture multiple codes at once, they can verify orders and products before they leave the shipping dock, eliminating errors that could drive customers away. 

Lastly, because today’s customers expect to be able to track their orders in real-time, comprehensive solutions such as Zebra’s RFID technologies enhance your competitive edge by connecting order status to your management system, so your customers can get the most up to date insight on their purchase.

Target previously hidden costs draining operations

Target Previously Hidden Costs Draining Operations

Greater visibility allows you to notice areas needing improvement

Greater visibility allows you to notice areas needing improvement such as inefficient storage spaces. By optimizing storage, organizations can expand picking capacity by as much as 30% without adding to worker stress. Visibility solutions such as Zebra’s MotionWorks use RFID to safeguard ROI by:

  • Managing on-the-move inventory in real-time to avoid misplacements
  • Decreasing inventory costs associated with over-stocking
  • Verify inventory is meeting compliance requirements throughout the supply chain process

Collect predictive analytics

Collect Predictive Analytics

An efficient RFID system is capable of collecting actionable data

The 2020 holiday rush may just be another factor due to driving the need for visibility. An efficient RFID system is capable of collecting actionable data based on current workflows and past demands to deliver crucial analytics to help you prepare for future challenges. 

Efficient insight leads to reliable foresight. Whether you choose to continue enhancing operations with conventional labels or RFID technologies, Avalon recommends securing label efficiency with Zebra Certified Consumables. Designed to perform flawlessly in the most arduous environments, Zebra labels and RFID tags can help you meet any of the outlined goals while adapting to your unique needs. 

To see whether your operations could benefit from a new tracking system, contact Avalon’s labeling specialists here.

As we approach the end of the year and 2020’s peak season, Avalon Integration has begun to dive into the key traits that make up efficient inventory management and streamlined workflows. After dealing with an unimaginable yearly increase in online purchases over the year, retailers, e-tailers, and warehouses have cited several common pain points, including:

  • Crashing order sites
  • Fast-draining inventory
  • Surprise out-of-stocks
  • Unavailable delivery for non-essential items
  • Delayed shipment due to overworked 3PL services
  • Spoiled inventory lost in different steps of the supply chain

Despite the effects, COVID-19 brought upon supply chains worldwide, Salesforce researchers estimate in-store services such as curbside pickup and click-and-collect will see a 90% increase as over a third of holiday shopping will be conducted online. Since omnichannel shopping already makes up almost 20% of purchases in the U.S., organizations must stay ahead of inventory management by increasing identification efficiency, communication, and predictive analytics.

Increasing Identification Efficiency

Increasing Identification Efficiency

Zebra Certified Consumables that deliver

Today’s product variety has placed a greater demand for efficient on-the-go identification to avoid order inaccuracy. That means your labels must be strong enough to retain information from the door to dock to the shelf to the customer. Underperforming labels can slow down productivity by falling off, fading away, or scratching printheads. Constant label reprints can add up financially in the long run while also causing bottlenecks. 

To avoid these pitfalls, Avalon continues to recommend Zebra Certified Consumables to bolster label efficiency. Built with pretested materials, Zebra’s labels eliminate the effects of subpar labels by delivering barcodes that:

  • Survive in extreme temperatures and humidity
  • Remain sticky in and out of the warehouse for continuous identification
  • Consolidate identification information with RFID technology for lower TCO
  • Eliminates residual adhesive and debris that can damage printheads

Increasing Communication

Increasing Communication with the MC9300

The MC9300 goes the extra step for streamlining data entry

Researchers suggest that out-of-stocks may be more damaging than lost sales since it impacts brand identity in the long run. To keep inventory levels from dwindling too quickly, several organizations have invested in real-time connectivity within the supply chain. This also helps minimize the shipment costs spent on quick replenishment and storage.

Modernized warehousing has given room to next-generation mobile computing, which can assist in diffusing crucial information throughout your workforce via WiFi in near real-time. Zebra’s mobile computers such as the MC9300 and TC7X go a step farther by streamlining data entry with real-time visibility, so your teams have access to current stock numbers while monitoring:

  • Incoming orders
  • Picking pace
  • Estimated time of delivery
  • Returned shipments

Increasing Predictive Analytics

Increasing Predictive Analytics

RFID Tracking for any warehouse

While the future is always full of change, Avalon Integration works hard in equipping clients with predictive analytics that provide actionable insight into operations, so you can best prepare for change based on current and past trends within your own unique operations. 

Real-time locationing systems such as RFID tracking and Zebra’s Visibility IQ (built with SavannahTM) consolidate several metrics into meaningful digested analytics for easy KPI tracking. A few KPI’s to keep an eye for include:

  • Accuracy of available inventory 
  • Inventory turnover
  • Carrying costs
  • Rate of returns

As a Zebra Premier Solutions Partner, Avalon Integration increases predictive analytics with next-generation locationing technologies. Download our RFID brochure to explore Zebra’s full portfolio.

Avalon RFID Portfolio Brochure Download

If this year has taught us anything, it’s that it is never too early to be prepared. Contact us today to begin assessing your inventory management system for a smoother and more profitable peak season.

As industries continue to navigate through the “New Normal”, several distinct shopping patterns have risen to prominence such as click-and-collect. Way before the pandemic, click-and-collect had already climbed 47% within the 2017 holiday season. During the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, click-and-collect purchases skyrocketed 443%, and it is estimated to continue rising as customers adapt to a new more convenient way to shop. To remain competitive in today’s retail landscape, more and more stores are turning to click-and-collect services. However, because every enterprise is inherently unique, Avalon Integration recommends the following questions to ask yourself before committing to a new order fulfillment system.

Does your team have access to inventory visibility?

Warehouse worker using a powercart

Inventory visibility is crucial

Now more than ever, customer expectations drive engagement. Reports indicate that nearly 85% of customers consider returning to retailers who allow them to track their orders. Those same expectations carry over to click-and-collect services, which is why inventory visibility is crucial. Superior inventory visibility empowers you, teams, too:

  • Mitigate surprise out-of-stocks by replenishing items before they reach established risk thresholds 
  • Locate inventory more promptly to increase throughout 
  • Prepare for purchase surges by tracking high-demand inventory

Have you secured reliable communication between team members and customers?

Two warehouse workers checking inventory in a warehouse

Reliable Communication between Team Members is key for any warehouse

To further meet customer expectations and diminish worker stress, companies are encouraged to maintain secured communication channels within the supply chain to avoid any surprises. While there are many connectivity options available, superior options are marked they their versatility and flexibility, such as Zebra Technologies various connectivity systems:

  • Zebra Workforce Connect – Easy to deploy, Workforce Connect brings your mobile device to a new level by integrating push-to-talk and PBX capabilities and secured text messages into your devices without interruptive backend changes. Scalable and cost-effective, Workforce Connect allows users to create groups and assign roles within an adaptable architecture, streamlining communication channels into your mainstream operations.
  • WorryFree WiFi – As part of Zebra’s family of Mobility DNA applications, WorryFree WiFi helps secure wall-to-wall connectivity to enhance device performance anywhere in the warehouse, making sure your device is able to receive order changes as they come since it remains connected to WiFi. Accelerating response times, WorryFree WiFi also delivers better voice quality and network diagnostics to maximize uptime.
  • Complete cellular network flexibility – Zebra’s line of ergonomic compact touch-computers can provide safe communication channels that fit your current operations, connecting your warehouse and field teams through their current mobile devices. Choose from either cellular, Bluetooth, or WiFi connectivity all protected by Zebra’s fortified Android interface.

What is your staff size?

Two warehouse workers moving a pallet

Click-and-collect solutions generally require a smaller team to operate

Last but not least, to accommodate a smaller workforce within a more demanding market, click-and-collect solutions generally require a smaller team to operate, diminishing unnecessary labor efforts and 3PL expenses. This also allows other team members to focus on different tasks without impacting throughput. By refocusing in-store tasks, click and collect services can empower you to enhance:

  • Inventory management
  • In-store customer service
  • Delivery services
  • Online couponing

Simply put, click-and-collect opens up a myriad of opportunities if integrated correctly. To see if click and collect are right for your business, contact us today.

Whether in the storefront or on the warehouse floor, mobility and visibility have proven to be essential assets in securing dependable productivity. However, facing increasingly complex supply chains – brought about either from the rise of e-com and/or new BOPIS purchase patterns – companies must learn to maximize both mobility and visibility in order to meet demands without compromise.

As a Zebra Premier Solutions Partner, Avalon Integration is able to explore multiple ways to leverage both mobility and visibility within today’s operations. From enterprise-ready rugged tablets to on-demand RFID mobile printers, modern warehouses can take a variety of pathways to building a mobility solution that enhances visibility. That’s why we’re exploring three mobility solutions that directly maximize visibility. 

Warehouse Handheld Enterprise Mobility Solutions from Zebra

Mobility Solutions for any warehouse

  • Enterprise Mobile Computing – According to surveys conducted by Zebra Technologies’ specialists, over 70% of warehouses are currently investing or seeking new ways to invest in mobility solutions. Failure to do so may damage your competitiveness. Operating with high-speed connectivity and flexible networking options, Zebra’s line of handheld computers secure viable communication channels inside and outside your warehouse, enhancing:
    • Inventory management
    • Order processing times
    • Efficient reverse logistics
  • Migration to Android – While migration may seem like an overwhelming task, it also opens doors to new opportunities such as secured data protecting and facilitated onboarding. Moreover, Android houses Zebra’s exclusive line of productivity applications, Mobility DNA, that allow you to:
    • Deploy push-to-talk features
    • Scan multiple barcodes simultaneously
    • Remotely manage battery performance and life cycles
    • Convert green-screen apps to touchscreen right out of the box
    • Track missing Zebra devices
  • Real-Time On-Demand Tracking – To meet new demands for faster delivery and fulfillment transparency, real-time locationing systems help track your inventory and/or assets. However, Zebra has taken tracking efficiency a step further with the all-new ZQ511/521 mobile printer, which can print 3 to 4 inches of RFID labels on-demand, virtually eliminating wait times and mislabeling errors since labels are readily available when and where needed, so you get:
    • Rugged mobile printing and RFID power fit for field service
    • Efficient workflows in and out of the warehouse
    • High battery performance that survives your longest shift
    • Adaptable printing speeds and darkness to accommodate temperature conditions

Have more questions about RFID? Ask Roi.

Avalon ROI Robot and Zebra

Needless to say, none of these solutions are mutually exclusive, which is why our modernization specialists work diligently to create custom solutions that adapt to your business.  Contact us to see how modernization can maximize mobility and visibility in your operations.

Studies suggest that the average person can spend as much as 6.5 months out of their entire lives looking for misplaced personal things. Needless to say, if that time lost were translated into the workplace, companies would be losing more than expected. However, when facing an average 63% accuracy rate in inventory management, it’s clear that misplacements are currently taking a toll on inefficient inventory management. Indeed, poor visibility leads to inventory distortion, which has cost operations worldwide as much as $1.1 trillion to correct. A few other incalculable costs include:

  • Missed opportunities – Out-of-stocks and delayed shipments often push clients to take their business elsewhere.
  • Storage loss – Misplaced inventory also points to inefficient storage hiding in your warehouse that could best be used for something else. 
  • Product shrinkage – In years past, product shrinkage has drained as much as $40 billion dollars from the retail sector alone. 
  • Inefficient labor – When inventory isn’t where it’s supposed to be, workers must spend extra time searching for it, taking time away from more important tasks.

Needless to say, your operations don’t have time for inventory misplacement. That’s why Avalon Integration’s Roi works hard to expand visibility with Zebra Technologies’ RFID Locationing.

Boost ROI with Roi

To maximize ROI with secured intelligent visibility, Avalon partners with you to create a customized locationing solution built with Zebra’s high-precision RFID technologies so you can:

  • Cut down labeling efforts with RFID labels that hold more information than conventional tags.
  • Increase worker performance with long-range ergonomic Zebra RFID mobile computers.
  • Diminish bottlenecks with on-the-go RFID mobile printing, so your teams don’t have to keep walking back to a far-off printing station.
  • Boost order accuracy with seamless verification before products are loaded for delivery

Check out Zebra’s complete line of RFID technologies in our brochure.

Avalon RFID Portfolio Brochure Download

Download the Avalon RFID Portfolio Brochure

Got some RFID questions? Let Roi help you start out your locationing journey.  From expanded warehousing visibility to on-the-move order fulfillment tracking, begin implementing RFID into your workflow when you contact our specialists today.

Buy-online pickup in-store purchases have skyrocketed by 500% in six months. Similarly, cyber-attacks have also been on the rise since 2018. Moreover, new technologies such as 5G networking, have further contributed to the monumental changes revolutionizing the enterprise landscape. Simply put, there are a lot of factors demanding your workforce’s attention…and your printing solution shouldn’t be one of them. However, outdated tools such as bulky legacy industrial printers can add to your workforce’s stress as they leave room for:

  • Slow printing cycles which create bottlenecks
  • Inaccurately printed barcodes that lead to inaccurate scans
  • Increased cyberattack risks stemming from outdated printing OS
  • Unnecessary travel times as workers must walk to far away printing stations

To avoid these risks and more, Avalon Integration introduces you to Zebra Technologies’ newest most rugged mobile printer, the ZQ511/21, as a foundational piece in developing a durable and mobile printing solution.

Download the ZQ511 and ZQ521 Infographic

When the tough get tougher…

ZQ511 RFID ZQ521 RFID Zebra Mobile Printer Product Lineup

ZQ511 RFID and ZQ521 RFID Product Lineup

Coming from a long line of durable lightweight mobile printers, Zebra’s new ZQ511/21 brings several game-changers to eliminate downtime, bottlenecks, and security threats that could burden your operations.

  • Designed for high-performance – Meeting MIL-STD 810G and IEC68-2-32 standards, Zebra’s newest mobile printer is designed to survive multiple drops, tumbles, and extreme temperatures. Moreover, raise IP rating to IP65 when you add an optional exoskeleton for enhanced durability.  
  • Integrated on-demand RFID printing – As the only RFID mobile printer on the market, the ZQ511/21 elevates inventory tracking by delivering and encoding UHF labels on demand. 
  • Intelligent power consumption – Equipped with high-speed WiFi and Low Energy Bluetooth, the ZQ11/21 works as hard as your team any place at any time. Plus, with a high-capacity 3250 mAh PowerPrecision+ battery, count on dependable power even in the longest shifts. Lastly, Sleep Mode further expands battery life by allowing your printer to “sleep” when not in use. 
  • Green-conscious – Reduce waste with a mobile printer that supports linerless printing, virtually eliminating the need to keep disposing of media liner. Moreover, keep your workforce focused and comfortable as they don’t have to haul around more media rolls, diminishing unnecessary travel.
  • Intelligent printing OS and productivity apps – Manage your printers remotely through one secured system. Plus, with Print DNA, expand your printer’s capabilities to integrate faster printing speeds, device visibility, and printing security.

Printing is just beginning. See what makes the Zebra’s line rugged mobile devices ready to tackle the harshest environments with maximum durability.  

download the ZQ511 White Paper

Download the ZQ511 White Paper

Start revolutionizing your printing system when you upgrade your printers through the GO Zebra Trade-In Program. Trade-in printers from any manufacturer for up to $650 in cash back rebates per device and experience the power of dependable mobile printing. 

Contact us today for a free demonstration of Zebra’s ZQ511/21 to see how seamless printing can benefit your operations.

Back in 2019, bracketing – otherwise known as the act of buying multiple similar products with the intent of returning them – was estimated to cost businesses up to $550 billion by 2020 as more online retailers move to offer free shipping. Now, while businesses continue to accommodate the surge in online shopping, that estimate can be expected to rise as home shoppers are unable to shop directly in store. 

Moreover, research suggests that four out of ten customers return products bought online. Because returned transactions can cost businesses up to 12$ per parcel, it is highly crucial that supply chains learn to maximize profitability at the face of increasing return rates. Expenditures are further increased when the following responses are taken into account:

  • Products may be stored in the wrong place and lost
  • Products may no longer be usable, ultimately ending up in landfills 
  • Workforce must spend extra time inspecting and refurbishing returned goods 
  • Customers will most likely turn elsewhere to find the product their seeking.

To minimize financial loss and chaos, Avalon Integration recommends revising your inventory management plan to provide your reverse logistics team with maximum visibility from door to dock.

Visibility is King

Warehouse worker in red shirt scanning barcodes

Protect your workflow from sudden influxes with a transparent inventory management system.

Between social distancing limitations and holiday surges, it’s safe to say reverse logistics will not disappear anytime soon. Protecting your workflow from sudden influxes, a transparent inventory management system allows your workforce to accurately track and move products and resources to where they are needed more. A few technologies currently increasing inventory visibility are:

  • RFID Locationing – Tracking moving inventory in real-time, RFID locationing allows you to verify incoming orders, accelerating your sorting and refurbishing process. 
  • Bluetooth Locationing – Serving as a more cost-effective solution compared to RFID technologies, BLE can help define storage zones within your warehouse, ensuring returned goods aren’t lost or misplaced on the wrong shelf. As a result, this also reduces the number of products disposed in landfills. 
  • Color labels – Stringently tested to endure harsh environments, Zebra’s Certified Consumables can maximize visibility by adding color into your labeling system. This allows workers to quickly identify products at a glance and minimize unnecessary labor efforts. 
  • Versatile data capture technology – Paired with either RFID tags or enterprise-grade labels, visibility technologies such as Zebra Rugged Tablets, give you access to your inventory’s status at the palm of your hand while also streamlining other functionalities through one ergonomic and durable device.

When done with the right tools and expertise, maximizing inventory visibility can be both seamless and profitable. To see how these technologies can fit into your workflow, contact our automation experts for a free assessment of your current reverse logistics strategy.

While the bulk of COVID-19 restrictions begin to lift, it is clear that the enterprise landscape will look starkly different from what it was six months ago. In addition to numerous new health guidelines, your business may also face increasing customer demands while dealing with a shrinking workforce. Surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center show that well over half of polled Americans are uneasy about returning to the workplace. However, the 345% surge in online shopping within the past months illustrates the increasing demands for more accuracy and productivity from a much smaller manufacturing workforce.

While worker safety products such as bracelets and mobile applications can help ensure worker safety, manufacturing plants often require higher levels of safety to comply with OSHA guidelines. Consequently, additional safety items may pose more of a liability instead of promoting safety. As leaders in innovative efficiency, Avalon Integration. That’s partners with Zebra Technologies to raise productivity through compliant safety measures within a smaller workforce – all without increasing labor costs or worker strain.

Combining the Power of the MC9300 and Zebra Motionworks Proximity

2 Warehouse workers using the MC9300 safely distanced in a warehouse

Zebra Motionworks Proximity being used with the MC9300

Instead of deploying additional infrastructures or integrating consumer-grade devices, Avalon helps you leverage your current enterprise-grade technology. Using Zebra’s versatile mobile computers such as the MC9300 along with Zebra MotionWorks Proximity, your team is equipped with durable safe productivity  that allows them to:

  • Maximize data capture accuracy while scanning multiple barcodes at once
  • Communicate through secured networks with preloaded push-to-talk capabilities
  • Quickly pair with Bluetooth-enabled devices without disrupting internet connectivity
  • Integrate proper social distancing alerts to avoid germ spread
  • Track contact events to mitigate costly large-scale quarantines 
  • Minimize touchpoints with long-range data capture and versatile productivity apps
  • Comply with OSHA guidelines by providing efficient contact tracing without additional compromising gear
  • Add layered data protection that enables safe device sharing and efficient employee privacy

Download our infographic to see how Proximity turns work zones into safe zones.

MotionWorks Proximity Infographic Download

MotionWorks Proximity Infographic Download

Avalon Integration helps you adapt to a changing workplace

Two warehouse workers moving pallets while wearing masks

Create adaptive mobility solutions to safeguard your workforce

As more demands are made of your workforce, Avalon’s specialists work closely with you to create adaptive mobility solutions that safeguard the foundations of a successful operation such as:

  • Reliable accuracy rates – Correctly assembled products translate into higher accuracy rates, which in turn, leads to satisfied customers. Zebra’s mobile computers come with SE4850 scanning, so you can accurately capture 1D and 2D codes in lightning speed as far as 70 ft, prioritizing both speed and accuracy so you can safeguard brand identity with each product.  
  • Cost-effective labor expenses – With high labor costs still dominating the market, Avalon empowers you with user-friendly solutions, such as Zebra’s fortified Android, that minimizes repetitive tasks and extensive training times, so your teams can stay focused on more crucial tasks. 
  • Supply chain connectivity – As supply chains become ever more complex, reliable communication systems linking production to storefront are crucial to overall success. From push-to-talk networks to long-range adaptable networking, Avalon’s mobility solutions integrate next-generation technologies to connect your workforce onto an intuitive platform.

When change comes, Avalon Integration is ready to help you successfully navigate through it and make the most out of every opportunity. Contact us today to schedule a demonstration of the MC9300 to see how you can maximize productivity in a brand-new industrial landscape.