
The new year brings with it both the excitement of new possibilities and hidden challenges yet to surface. Navigating through several pandemic-induced challenges, last year’s warehouse technologies showcased agile adaptability to accelerate order picking with less touchpoints and manual data capture. Faster and safer picking mechanisms continued to affirm customer demands for quick and accurate order fulfilment, now in less time and with the option of free/easy returns. However, current supply chain and labor shortages are certain to keep challenging businesses, which is why the following trends are expected to reshape modernized warehouses this year:

  1. Continual push for verifiable sustainable warehousing practices – A large percentage of today’s consumers are growing more eco-conscious due to several environmental changes. To meet both customer demands and protect the environment, sustainable warehousing practices allow businesses to meet accuracy and speed demands with a smaller carbon impact. For example, Zebra’s Certified Consumables can be made of eco-friendly materials for easier decomposition and removal while still containing strong adhesives and surfaces for uncompromised barcode legibility. Other noteworthy mentions include next-generation mobile computers and tablets since they eliminate the need for additional hardware and can last beyond the standard 3-year lifecycle of a mobile device. This reduced eventual e-waste and electricity consumption.  
  2. Securing T&L drivers and ELD compliance – Delivery drivers have reported turnover rates of about 92%, causing serious delays in shipments. As order volumes increase, so does the demand for more capable drivers. Consequently, new technologies must be simple and intelligent enough to minimize stress and maximize safety. Devices like rugged tablets have proven useful in connecting drivers with real-time communication with administrators, most efficient driving routes, and voice messaging all through one large dashboard to keep drivers’ eyes on the road. Next-evolution models are even more advantageous as ELD systems running on 3G are soon to be terminated in 2022, creating a new demand for flexible connectivity options installed on newer devices.  
  3. Growing need for micro-fulfillment centers in urban areas – Same-day shipping demands have grown by 36% within the past year, especially for urban areas. This has posed a problem since large-scale warehouses simply can’t fit within bustling cities. Consequently, micro-fulfillment centers have grown within cities to cut down shipping and labor costs while preventing delays. To keep micro-fulfillment centers running smoothly, workers often depend on versatile handheld devices that can streamline multiple workflows through one digital platform. Zebra’s wearable WT6300 continues to illustrate this by replacing both scanners and 2-way communicators with an adaptable mobile computer that leverages natural muscle movement for faster integration. 
  4. Next-level automation with robotics – Order fulfillment leaders such as Amazon and Walmart have already set the standard for faster shipping rates. They are also among the first warehouses to begin deploying co-bots and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), once again raising the standards for efficient order picking.  Current labor shortages have also increased the demands for AMRs since they increase productivity by 85% when deployed alongside a human team, removing additional stress from your current teams. 
  5. Real-time communication with long-distance manufacturers – Supply chain shortages have resulted in a 250% increase in out-of-stocks nationwide. Breakdowns in communication between distributors and manufacturers further increase out-of-stocks as inventory is vulnerable to shrinkage and/or inaccurate counting while transitioning down the supply chain. Digitized data sharing through mobile devices and applications like Workforce Connect empower teams to notify facilities of quantities shipped and their location, preventing replenishment errors and additional out-of-stocks.

The key to leveraging any of these trends in the coming year is proactive preparation. Before deploying large-scale changes within your warehouse, consider meeting up with a modernization expert to explore optimization opportunities in your crucial workflows and get a closer look into the new technologies reshaping supply chains.

Last year, when looking ahead to what 2020 would bring, technologies such as RFID tracking, Internet of Things, and Wearable Computers were cited as revolutionary initiatives to redefine the year. Now, standing at the end of a historical year, it’s pretty clear our list was too short. Facing a long string of challenges, dangers, and changes, warehouses have relied on several indispensable technologies, which will most likely continue to secure efficiency within warehouses in the years to come.

Save Warehousing

Avalon Integration have noted the following innovations as crucial warehousing advantages

While this list is by no means exhaustive, the experts at Avalon Integration have noted the following innovations as crucial warehousing advantages in 2020:

  1. Disinfectant-Ready Devices – Since discovering that pathogens can last from hours to days on surfaces, operations utilizing multiple screens and handhelds required rugged devices that could handle abrasion, chemical exposure, and constant wipedowns. Made for tough environments, enterprise-grade devices rose to the challenge by providing undisrupted performance in the midst of recurrent disinfection and sanitation.
  2. Contact Tracing – As businesses began to reopen, many of our clients sought a way to welcome back their teams without risking dangerous exposure. To minimize employee density and effectively track possible contamination, exposure awareness, and contact solutions were deployed across the nation. New contact tracing initiatives can be neatly embedded onto your handheld devices like Zebra’s Motionworks Proximity or added on your employee’s wrist like Accent’s Exposure Awareness bands. Both methods protect employees’ safety as well as their privacy, which brings us to the next point. 
  3. Android’s Dependable Operating System – After Microsoft ended its support for Windows’ Mobile OS, warehouses needed a new operating system to safeguard their data. Android has served as the best option as it provides recurrent security patches, silent OS updates, and an open ecosystem to house current and new applications to better prepare operations for future changes.
  4. Vibrational Social Distancing Alerts – In addition to contact tracing, vibrational alerts have also helped in securing appropriate social distancing within operations.
  5. RFID Tracking – Facing a major influx of online activity, supply chains were overwhelmed with moving inventory and rising demands from the pandemic onset all the way till the holiday peak season. RFID tracking empowers teams to manage inventory levels in real-time while tracking in-motion products, assets, and resources accurately and quickly to fulfill needs with a faster turnaround time.
  6. Fast Long-Range Data Capture – By combining intelligent scanning with long-range data capture, manufacturers like Zebra Technologies were able to equip workers with ergonomic devices that read labels while keeping workers apart. In the retail landscape, modernized data capture can help alleviate checkout lanes by scanning products quickly and at a safe distance.
  7. 2-in-1 Tablets – As the term “office” gained a new meaning, 2-in-1 enterprise tablets like Zebra’s L10 tablets packed ease-of-use, operational visibility, and adaptability for on-the-go workers. Operating as either a tablet or a laptop, devices like the L10 give remote teams more flexibility without hindering data entry and connectivity.  
  8. Handsfree Technologies – Minimizing touchpoints throughout the supply chain became a chief goal amongst warehouses. That’s when hands-free technologies such as heads-up displays, ring scanners, and even Zebra’s newest WT6300 rose to popularity as they helped workers process orders faster with less movement and wasted labor. Studies suggest nearly 70% of warehouses now plan to integrate hands-free and wearable technologies by 2023 to continue expediting tasks and meet new customer demands for speed.  
  9. High-Speed and Long-Range WiFi – In April, over 50% of Americans cited internet connectivity as an essential tool. In warehousing, connectivity secures communication channels, diffuses crucial information, and sustains visibility solutions beyond the loading dock. Zebra’s flexible networking and WorryFree WiFi enables dependable connections to keep the essential business running.
  10. Push-to-Talk and Videoconferencing Features – Lastly, whether it be Zoom or any other service, videoconferencing and push-to-talk capabilities proved to be essential in keeping teams connected and supply chains running smoothly.  Zebra applications such as WorkforceConnect provided wall-to-wall connectivity in both the warehouse, retail, and grocery setting, allowing your teams to work together in real-time despite any distance.

But, we can’t forget the biggest game-changers of the year. As we close in 2020, we would like to give a special thank you to all the essential and healthcare workers as the ones who truly saved this year. From our team to yours, Thank You!

With 2021 less than a few days away, we are eager to see what other devices, solutions, and innovations will continue to reshape our futures. For more information on how to implement any of these solutions into your operations, contact our modernization experts today.