
Among the myriad of changes brought on by last year’s health crisis, the increase in e-commerce transactions has continued to reshape supply chains throughout the post-pandemic landscape. Accounting for over a fifth of sales in the grocery industry alone, e-commerce remains as one of the top preferred transactions due to its convenience and speed. However, between workforce shortages and snowballing last-mile costs, supply chains have yet to successfully meet high customer demands continuously. As a matter of fact, researchers from the National Retail Federation show that over 40% of businesses still cite fast fulfillment as their top concern. To meet demands without overspending, businesses are now combining warehouse technologies in the retail landscape through micro fulfillment centers (MFC’s).

Leveraging maximized automation solutions, MFC’s concentrate high-demand inventory within one section of the storefront for quick seamless picking. Leading warehouse devices such as long-range scanners and ultra-rugged handheld computers are then employed to safeguard fulfillment efficiency as orders are received. This ultimately results in:

  • Higher order accuracy – Modernized scanning capabilities similar to Zebra’s intelligent PRZM scanning engines eliminate the need to manually verify orders by ensuring more successful first-time scans. Applications like SimulScan can further enhance this process by capturing multiple barcodes at once in one trigger pull.
  • Lower labor costs – Automated solutions have been proven to diminish operational costs since they streamline vital workflows through one platform. For example, Zebra’s enterprise tablets secure unbroken communication channels, enterprise data capture, and user-friendly visibility into cycle counts and incoming orders all on one touchscreen interface.
  • Faster contactless services – Services like click-and collect, curbside pickup, and buy-online-pickup-in-store are only expected to keep thriving. That means store associates may now share in the same challenges that often plague warehouses struggling to stay ahead of incoming orders without compromising accuracy. To further protect communication channels within the workforce, Zebra’s Workforce Connect transforms handheld devices into 2-way radios, thus eliminating the need for additional devices while adding a dependable layer of teamwork and workflow visibility.     

Are your operations suitable for micro fulfillment?

This is the question many large-scale businesses have begun to ask themselves, and while the answer may be different for everyone, one thing is sure: automation continues to hold the key to business success in the modern market. Start the modernization journey by assessing workflows with a specialized optimization team to see how you can leverage purpose-built technologies to establish greater customer satisfaction without overburdening the workforce.

Innovative technologies, such as machine learning and real-time locationing, have long served as prime examples of today’s modernization efforts in warehousing, yet these disruptive initiatives have also been seen as “too complex” and “far off” by many operations -largely because of common misconceptions such as:

  • “Modernization requires extensive piloting and time to produce measurable ROI.”
  • “Modernization is only suitable for large-scale operations.” 
  • “Modernization will replace human operators.”
  • “Modernization is too expensive.”

With at least 69% of businesses claiming to have poor visibility into their supply chains, the time for misconceptions such as these is over. Because the digital era demands both speed and accuracy equally, outdated warehouse processes are no longer suitable to keep you competitive. However, modernization doesn’t have to be as complicated as you think, which is why we wanted to bring clarity to the four statements presented above:

  • “Modernization requires extensive piloting and time to produce measurable ROI.”

Design and piloting allow your team to test and tweak your solution for best results; however, extensive testing can drain budgets while causing downtime due to longer training periods. Nevertheless, modern touchscreen interfaces and Android’s user-friendly platform are developed to help minimize training for faster deployment and ROI. As a matter of fact, TE-app converters such as Zebra’s All-Touch Terminal Emulation help convert “green-screen” apps right out of the box without backend modifications for faster integration. 

  • “Modernization is only suitable for large-scale operations.” 

Working with a wide range of clients, from small and growing businesses to Fortune 500 companies, we’ve seen modernization solutions built with enterprise-grade technologies readily adapt in various-sized businesses. By streamlining multiple tasks through one device, technologies like the MC9300 computer can accomplish several specialized tasks through one intuitive interface, adapting to different workloads while accommodating growth.  

  • “Modernization will replace human operators.”

This is a common -and serious- concern regarding warehouse modernization, yet studies show that over 70% of warehouses actually plan to enhance human labor with partial automation. Simply put, while computers can intelligently gather and deliver information, human minds are still crucial to executing final decisions. For example, Zebra’s MotionWorks solution incorporates future-forward RFID locationing to track in-motion inventory and provide actionable insights that allow your workforce to make accurate plans to meet future needs and overcome challenges before they happen. By automating repetitive tasks, a modernized warehouse can also empower the workforce to deal with more high-level tasks.   

  • “Modernization is too expensive.”

Because effective modernization does not require a complete restructuring of your operations, it may actually be more affordable than previously imagined. On the flipside, outdated technologies can lead to high inaccuracies, missed compliance codes, multiple device servicing contracts, and frequent tech support and downtime – all greatly contributing to operational costs.  As a Zebra Premier Solutions Partner, Avalon works hard to make modernization as seamless and cost-effective as possible. Upgrade legacy devices from any manufacturer through the GO Zebra Trade-In Program to get cash back rebates up to $650 per device towards your upgrade. 

Every operation possesses its own unique requirements, which is why we know there may be other concerns and misunderstandings beyond what was covered. Contact us today to see how efficient modernization can help ease your doubts and turn challenges into opportunity. 

Given the constant waves of changes gripping supply chains across the nation, Avalon Integration has continuously researched and studied inventory management optimization to help clients best prepare for changes. A lot goes into creating a dependable system, yet without it, businesses run the risk of:

  • Out-of-stock fees
  • Overworked employees
  • Higher production fees
  • Increased carrying costs and travel times
  • Negative brand identity 
  • Missed sales

Consequently, we called the experts to help pinpoint some of the crucial components to consider when developing a modernized inventory management system.

What to expect from a modernized inventory management system:

As previously stated, because every business is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all inventory management solution available. However, it’s safe to assume that your system must aim at maximizing visibility, agility, and accuracy to remain competitive in today’s now-economy. While it’s impossible to categorize one component as the most important factor in your inventory management system, we can help you identify your system’s goals to better specify your system’s needs. Below are a few goals modernized inventory management systems should strive to achieve:

Modernized Inventory Management Systems

Goals your modernized inventory management systems should strive to achieve

  1. Expanding the availability of actionable insight – One of the top benefits of a modernized inventory management system is the actionable insight it can provide regarding purchase patterns and areas of optimization. Actionable insight can help you reduce costs, provide customer-centered service, and mitigate product loss/theft. Avalon can help expand insight availability with Zebra’s mobile computers, built to secure maximum connectivity, so your workforce can stay up to date on any supply chain changes when and where they occur.
  2. Optimizing storage for lower costs – If left unchecked, deadstock can begin to drain your budget in increased carrying costs and depreciated values. When seeking to lower storage costs, Avalon recommends boosting end-to-end visibility with real-time locationing services such as Zebra MotionWorks. Adaptable to change, real-time visibility allows you to monitor moving inventory, giving you an overview of hidden opportunities in the warehouse, in the yard, and anywhere else you need it.
  3. Accelerating order fulfillment without promoting inaccuracies – Late and inaccurate orders affect customer loyalty. With average order fulfillment times getting shorter, it’s no surprise more warehouses have made speed their goal. To reduce data entry time and shorten travel paths, RFID-powered solutions and tracking can save time by capturing multiple codes without a line of sight. By implementing readers at the loading dock, you can accelerate order verification before shipment, eliminating wasted time and labor.
  4. Facilitating customer tracking and order changes – According to Zebra’s 2020 Shopper Study, over 80% of retailers either provide or plan to provide mobile ordering by 2021. Because customers expect to be able to track their online orders, the visibility that connects to your customers becomes a vital necessity. To preserve identification, we recommend investing in durable labels and accurate scanners that work both in the warehouse and on the field. Zebra’s Certified Consumables still stand as your best option in protecting inventory identification due to their strong adhesives and surface coating.
  5. Maximizing worker performance without increasing training times – As more orders come in, your workforce must find a way to continue meeting deadlines while increasing pick rates. High labor turnover rates make this difficult as companies can spend as much as $7,000 in merely training expenses alone. If your goal is to simplify onboarding while increasing performance, simplicity becomes your crucial component since user-friendly systems can diminish the likelihood of human errors. Equipping your workforce with easy-to-learn technologies such as Android’s familiar OS can help lower training times by as much as 90% to make sure employees can access and navigate inventory management systems as early as possible.

Didn’t see your goal listed? Contact our specialists for a free evaluation of your enterprise objectives and see how you can tailor your inventory management system to meet goals and exceed expectations.

Studies suggest that the average person can spend as much as 6.5 months out of their entire lives looking for misplaced personal things. Needless to say, if that time lost were translated into the workplace, companies would be losing more than expected. However, when facing an average 63% accuracy rate in inventory management, it’s clear that misplacements are currently taking a toll on inefficient inventory management. Indeed, poor visibility leads to inventory distortion, which has cost operations worldwide as much as $1.1 trillion to correct. A few other incalculable costs include:

  • Missed opportunities – Out-of-stocks and delayed shipments often push clients to take their business elsewhere.
  • Storage loss – Misplaced inventory also points to inefficient storage hiding in your warehouse that could best be used for something else. 
  • Product shrinkage – In years past, product shrinkage has drained as much as $40 billion dollars from the retail sector alone. 
  • Inefficient labor – When inventory isn’t where it’s supposed to be, workers must spend extra time searching for it, taking time away from more important tasks.

Needless to say, your operations don’t have time for inventory misplacement. That’s why Avalon Integration’s Roi works hard to expand visibility with Zebra Technologies’ RFID Locationing.

Boost ROI with Roi

To maximize ROI with secured intelligent visibility, Avalon partners with you to create a customized locationing solution built with Zebra’s high-precision RFID technologies so you can:

  • Cut down labeling efforts with RFID labels that hold more information than conventional tags.
  • Increase worker performance with long-range ergonomic Zebra RFID mobile computers.
  • Diminish bottlenecks with on-the-go RFID mobile printing, so your teams don’t have to keep walking back to a far-off printing station.
  • Boost order accuracy with seamless verification before products are loaded for delivery

Check out Zebra’s complete line of RFID technologies in our brochure.

Avalon RFID Portfolio Brochure Download

Download the Avalon RFID Portfolio Brochure

Got some RFID questions? Let Roi help you start out your locationing journey.  From expanded warehousing visibility to on-the-move order fulfillment tracking, begin implementing RFID into your workflow when you contact our specialists today.

While the bulk of COVID-19 restrictions begin to lift, it is clear that the enterprise landscape will look starkly different from what it was six months ago. In addition to numerous new health guidelines, your business may also face increasing customer demands while dealing with a shrinking workforce. Surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center show that well over half of polled Americans are uneasy about returning to the workplace. However, the 345% surge in online shopping within the past months illustrates the increasing demands for more accuracy and productivity from a much smaller manufacturing workforce.

While worker safety products such as bracelets and mobile applications can help ensure worker safety, manufacturing plants often require higher levels of safety to comply with OSHA guidelines. Consequently, additional safety items may pose more of a liability instead of promoting safety. As leaders in innovative efficiency, Avalon Integration. That’s partners with Zebra Technologies to raise productivity through compliant safety measures within a smaller workforce – all without increasing labor costs or worker strain.

Combining the Power of the MC9300 and Zebra Motionworks Proximity

2 Warehouse workers using the MC9300 safely distanced in a warehouse

Zebra Motionworks Proximity being used with the MC9300

Instead of deploying additional infrastructures or integrating consumer-grade devices, Avalon helps you leverage your current enterprise-grade technology. Using Zebra’s versatile mobile computers such as the MC9300 along with Zebra MotionWorks Proximity, your team is equipped with durable safe productivity  that allows them to:

  • Maximize data capture accuracy while scanning multiple barcodes at once
  • Communicate through secured networks with preloaded push-to-talk capabilities
  • Quickly pair with Bluetooth-enabled devices without disrupting internet connectivity
  • Integrate proper social distancing alerts to avoid germ spread
  • Track contact events to mitigate costly large-scale quarantines 
  • Minimize touchpoints with long-range data capture and versatile productivity apps
  • Comply with OSHA guidelines by providing efficient contact tracing without additional compromising gear
  • Add layered data protection that enables safe device sharing and efficient employee privacy

Download our infographic to see how Proximity turns work zones into safe zones.

MotionWorks Proximity Infographic Download

MotionWorks Proximity Infographic Download

Avalon Integration helps you adapt to a changing workplace

Two warehouse workers moving pallets while wearing masks

Create adaptive mobility solutions to safeguard your workforce

As more demands are made of your workforce, Avalon’s specialists work closely with you to create adaptive mobility solutions that safeguard the foundations of a successful operation such as:

  • Reliable accuracy rates – Correctly assembled products translate into higher accuracy rates, which in turn, leads to satisfied customers. Zebra’s mobile computers come with SE4850 scanning, so you can accurately capture 1D and 2D codes in lightning speed as far as 70 ft, prioritizing both speed and accuracy so you can safeguard brand identity with each product.  
  • Cost-effective labor expenses – With high labor costs still dominating the market, Avalon empowers you with user-friendly solutions, such as Zebra’s fortified Android, that minimizes repetitive tasks and extensive training times, so your teams can stay focused on more crucial tasks. 
  • Supply chain connectivity – As supply chains become ever more complex, reliable communication systems linking production to storefront are crucial to overall success. From push-to-talk networks to long-range adaptable networking, Avalon’s mobility solutions integrate next-generation technologies to connect your workforce onto an intuitive platform.

When change comes, Avalon Integration is ready to help you successfully navigate through it and make the most out of every opportunity. Contact us today to schedule a demonstration of the MC9300 to see how you can maximize productivity in a brand-new industrial landscape.

Avalon Integration has a wide variety of technology solutions that establish clients’ competitive edge, which is why I am overjoyed to introduce you to the latest and best tracking solution in the new digital age – RFID Locationing.

Tracking assets, personnel, inventory, and more RFID Locationing can maximize your return of investment by monitoring your most precious resources as they move through complex supply chains and workflows. Moreover, unlike legacy systems, RFID is adaptable to fit a multitude of unique industries such as:

  • Manufacturing
  • Warehousing and Distribution
  • Transportation and Logistics
  • Healthcare Asset Tracking
  • Public Safety
  • Retail and Storefronts
  • Sports Analytics
  • And many more

As your guide to maximized ROI, I’d like to take you deeper into the countless opportunities enhanced visibility brings to your business. Shall we get started?

Assess Your Gains

MC3390R and RFID to Assess Your Gains

MC3390R and RFID to Assess Your Gains

Lack of visibility contributes to numerous operational inefficiencies. For example, manual data entry -which relies heavily on human effort for accuracy- can misdirect order fulfillment, leading a customer to receive the wrong product, impacting brand identity, and resulting in return fees. When it comes to public safety, unclear visibility can contribute to longer response times and impaired dispatch accountability. In other words, maximized visibility results in maximized efficiency, satisfaction, and safety. However, don’t just take my word for it. See how RFID is changing industries worldwide.

  • Manufacturing — RFID tags can be used to store multiple codes identifying particular parts and easing traceability down a production line. Furthermore, with Zebra’s RFID on-metal solution, tags can now identify metal components throughout production.
  • Warehousing and Distribution — Long-range scanners minimize worker strain while capturing codes as far as 60ft away with ease. Plus, Zebra Technologies’ RFID scanners are built to thrive in harsh conditions, retaining optimal functionality in extreme temperatures, falls, and scratches.
  • Transportation and Logistics — Increasing order accuracy by nearly 100%, RFID automates order verification with just a scan when implemented on the shipping dock.
  • Healthcare Asset Tracking — In healthcare, misplaced items can hinder patient care as medical staff must pause to search for their tools. Studies suggest that only 42% of medical assets are used efficiently. Real-time locationing empowers staff to find their crucial assets in a timely fashion to deliver better care to their patients.
  • Public Safety — When it comes to protecting our communities, visibility is key. By incorporating RFID tracking in daily operations, officers can better assess dispatch needs and set higher accountability standards for deployed teams.
  • Retail and Storefronts – Product shrinkage can drain over $40 billion dollars from the retail economy. To prevent product shrinkage near points of sales, RFID antennas and tags work together to monitor inventory as they come and go into the store, giving managers a clear view of their stock’s movement.

From tracking thrown footballs in real-time, to preventing lost pets, to assisting in utility operations, RFID has many uses, each with their unique benefits. Come explore your next locationing solution with me, and enhance your operations with a new standard of efficient visibility.