
The new year brings with it both the excitement of new possibilities and hidden challenges yet to surface. Navigating through several pandemic-induced challenges, last year’s warehouse technologies showcased agile adaptability to accelerate order picking with less touchpoints and manual data capture. Faster and safer picking mechanisms continued to affirm customer demands for quick and accurate order fulfilment, now in less time and with the option of free/easy returns. However, current supply chain and labor shortages are certain to keep challenging businesses, which is why the following trends are expected to reshape modernized warehouses this year:

  1. Continual push for verifiable sustainable warehousing practices – A large percentage of today’s consumers are growing more eco-conscious due to several environmental changes. To meet both customer demands and protect the environment, sustainable warehousing practices allow businesses to meet accuracy and speed demands with a smaller carbon impact. For example, Zebra’s Certified Consumables can be made of eco-friendly materials for easier decomposition and removal while still containing strong adhesives and surfaces for uncompromised barcode legibility. Other noteworthy mentions include next-generation mobile computers and tablets since they eliminate the need for additional hardware and can last beyond the standard 3-year lifecycle of a mobile device. This reduced eventual e-waste and electricity consumption.  
  2. Securing T&L drivers and ELD compliance – Delivery drivers have reported turnover rates of about 92%, causing serious delays in shipments. As order volumes increase, so does the demand for more capable drivers. Consequently, new technologies must be simple and intelligent enough to minimize stress and maximize safety. Devices like rugged tablets have proven useful in connecting drivers with real-time communication with administrators, most efficient driving routes, and voice messaging all through one large dashboard to keep drivers’ eyes on the road. Next-evolution models are even more advantageous as ELD systems running on 3G are soon to be terminated in 2022, creating a new demand for flexible connectivity options installed on newer devices.  
  3. Growing need for micro-fulfillment centers in urban areas – Same-day shipping demands have grown by 36% within the past year, especially for urban areas. This has posed a problem since large-scale warehouses simply can’t fit within bustling cities. Consequently, micro-fulfillment centers have grown within cities to cut down shipping and labor costs while preventing delays. To keep micro-fulfillment centers running smoothly, workers often depend on versatile handheld devices that can streamline multiple workflows through one digital platform. Zebra’s wearable WT6300 continues to illustrate this by replacing both scanners and 2-way communicators with an adaptable mobile computer that leverages natural muscle movement for faster integration. 
  4. Next-level automation with robotics – Order fulfillment leaders such as Amazon and Walmart have already set the standard for faster shipping rates. They are also among the first warehouses to begin deploying co-bots and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), once again raising the standards for efficient order picking.  Current labor shortages have also increased the demands for AMRs since they increase productivity by 85% when deployed alongside a human team, removing additional stress from your current teams. 
  5. Real-time communication with long-distance manufacturers – Supply chain shortages have resulted in a 250% increase in out-of-stocks nationwide. Breakdowns in communication between distributors and manufacturers further increase out-of-stocks as inventory is vulnerable to shrinkage and/or inaccurate counting while transitioning down the supply chain. Digitized data sharing through mobile devices and applications like Workforce Connect empower teams to notify facilities of quantities shipped and their location, preventing replenishment errors and additional out-of-stocks.

The key to leveraging any of these trends in the coming year is proactive preparation. Before deploying large-scale changes within your warehouse, consider meeting up with a modernization expert to explore optimization opportunities in your crucial workflows and get a closer look into the new technologies reshaping supply chains.

Shaping modern warehousing from the inside out, demands for sustainable practices have skyrocketed, with a 71% increase in searches for sustainably sourced and packaged products. To retain customer loyalty, warehouses and distribution centers can no longer afford to overlook operational sustainability. Moreover, as supply chain issues continue, eco-friendly practices can also help minimize costs and downtime since versatile technologies aim at reducing e-waste, thus streamlining several vital workflows through one rugged device for less future decommissioned devices. In addition to a smaller carbon footprint, sustainable warehousing promotes:

  • Consolidated workflows for less deployed devices and reduced management costs
  • Future-proof operating systems to prevent early decommissioning
  • Durable printheads and smooth surface labels that mitigate premature printhead failure
  • Less paper-based data tracking thanks to automated scanning capabilities

Explore your sustainable modernization options

To further facilitate your sustainable plan, next-generation technologies strive to support the qualities discussed above. For example, Zebra’s Rugged Tablets hold EPEAT certifications, thus complying with multiple stringent standards while automating data capture. Whether through rugged tablets or mobile computers, sustainable warehousing can be achieved through…

  1. Eco-friendly upgrades that guarantee proper recycling – As businesses move toautomate repetitive tasks, concerns for improper e-waste disposal grow. To prevent outdated devices from hitting landfills, Avalon continues in its partnership with the GO Zebra Program, assisting businesses in trading legacy devices from any manufacturer for Zebra’s next-evolution devices along with cash rebates up to $650 per device.
  2. Minimum operational lifespan of five to ten years for mobile devices – Unlike consumer-grade devices which typically last between one to two years, enterprise-devices running on Android’s OS can last up to 10 years with uncompromised data security thanks to silent yet recurring updates and security patches.
  3. Durable external design to withstand rough use – Optimize reliable operations with durability that is built to handle drops to concrete, rain, snow, dust, extreme heat, subzero temperatures, and liquids. Zebra’s Rugged Tablets are waterproof, dustproof, and drop-proof, so your workers get the ultimate in usability. When devices are built to survive harsher conditions, businesses can also avoid wasteful downtime and breakdowns, decreasing operational costs, IT visits, and eventual device disposal.
  4. Reliable battery management – Lastly, to reduce risks of improper battery disposal and sudden device malfunction, applications similar to Zebra’s PowerPrecision can pinpoint a battery’s lifespan and performance. This enables workflows to preempt problems before they impact productivity while tracking retired batteries to prevent improper disposal.

With the correct technologies, even the smallest changes can greatly improve sustainable warehousing. For more small-scale changes and implementations, contact Avalon’s modernization experts to learn more.

Currently, the industrial sector is responsible for about 32% of the nation’s total energy consumption. Between compliance fees, utility charges, and labor expenses, manufacturing plants expect high costs when it comes to storing inventory on-site. However, to keep up with surges in demand, manufacturers must keep necessary materials always in hand lest they risk sudden stockouts that lead to delays in production, lost sales, and product shortages. To circumvent these issues, inventory management strategies like just-in-time (JIT) material reordering have become more prominent as a way to alleviate storage expenses, yet while cost-effective, JIT leaves little room for error.

When operating in a JIT inventory management system, facilities strive to keep less inventory on site to avoid stockpiling materials that may not get used. This means that operators must quickly reorder materials as soon as they dip below an established threshold point to avoid shortages. Failure to reorder on time can pause operations since the production line has to wait for incoming materials. When done correctly, JIT enables:

  • Minimized storage costs
  • Greater visibility on products assembled
  • Mitigated depreciation risks
  • Maximized storage space for finished goods
  • Seamless adaptability to sudden increases in demand

Establishing Effective Tracking for Just-in-Time Reordering

To prevent the risks of inefficient JIT inventory management, a viable system should integrate the following three factors.

  1. Real-time data visibility – Preventing out-of-stocks requires fast insight into dwindling inventory. That’s why real-time visibility stemming from technologies such as RFID locationing and digitization have become essential in securing JIT efficiency since they allow workers to target decreasing inventory counts before they fall below the established threshold level. 
  2. Unbroken workforce communication – In addition to timely visibility, workers should be able to communicate with each other immediately to notify of any impending shortages or stockouts. Solutions like Zebra’s Workforce Connect transforms current handheld devices into two-way radios for manufacturer and delivery teams, closing the gaps between delivery and receiving docks, so workers know when and where incoming shipments will arrive.
  3. Scalable automation – One of the perks of JIT reordering is that it facilitates adaptability in the event of sudden surges in demand, yet this flexibility can only be capitalized if the correct data processing tools are in place. Versatile enterprise devices such as Zebra’s rugged tablets provide adaptable functionality with flexible connectivity options, built-in scanning capabilities, longer battery life, and higher data security parameters to streamline data capture, processing, and sharing on one platform. Therefore, workers can simply add an additional layer of functionality to their versatile devices instead of having to deploy an entire new device to keep up with changes.   

While JIT inventory management has gripped the attention of most manufacturers, it is only one of the many ways supply chains are adapting to meet demands and overcome shortages challenges. To get a better idea of how you can optimize your inventory management system, schedule a workflow assessment and explore the modernized solutions reshaping supply chains today

When operating in dynamic supply chains, operational visibility is critical to prevent unseen obstacles from halting productivity and impacting customer satisfaction. However, increasing demands and shortages have created a unique situation where modernization -while beneficial and promising- can be a hindrance if it’s not easily adopted by an evolving workforce. From the production floor to the checkout lane, automation must enhance worker performance. In warehouses, 77% of businesses are currently in the process of equipping workers with automated solutions. At the other end of the supply chain, retailers have claimed over 60% of RFID tag purchases in 2020 alone. To ensure smooth implementation, the following three factors have become popular among leading modernization strategies.

Modernization is built on familiar interfaces, intuitive versatility, and tested expertise.

As automated systems are designed, Avalon recommends considering the following as foundational parts of your modernization plan for hassle-free implementation:

  • Familiar Interfaces – An hour of downtime, whether planned or surprise, can cost businesses over $100,000 per hour in lost productivity, missed deadlines, customer dissatisfaction, and worker stress. To combat this, familiar interfaces such as touchscreen usability and Android’s user-friendly OS help diminish training times while welcoming new hires without complex functionalities.  This is where applications such as Zebra’s All-Touch Terminal Emulation (TE) come in handy as they help convert legacy TE apps into a touchscreen display for immediate use prior installation.
  • Intuitive Versatility – Supply chain efficiency generally depends on three kinds of devices: the scanner, the data processor, and a communicator. For this reason, most team members have been burdened with three or more devices to execute these three main tasks. A feasible modernization strategy should attempt to streamline these tasks through one versatile device. For example, newer mobile computers have been adapted to include intelligent data capture, fast automated data processing directly to your centralized management system, and sustainable communication channels that eliminate the need for bulky two-way radios.
  • Tested Expertise – Working alongside longtime experts such as Avalon’s modernization specialists helps diminish deployment times since they can draw from multiple past scenarios for a tailored design. Furthermore, post-deployment services such as assisted maintenance and tech support certifies your solution is running smoothly for future updates and changes.

With the 2021 Peak Season fast approaching, swift and seamless modernization may just be the key to enhancing your competitive edge and surpassing customer expectations. Take the first step when you talk through your options with an Avalon specialist to begin designing a modernization strategy that elevates productivity and profitability with hassle-free implementation.

What Makes Intelligent Automation So Smart?

It’s no surprise that intelligent automation has been on the forefront of current modernization trends. Over two thirds of warehouses across the globe have continuously cited partial automation as the key to increased profitability and competitiveness, yet not every automation solution is built the same. This explains why so many warehouses remain cautious to swap familiar systems such as pen-and-paper inventory tracking for newer solutions such as RFID locationing since disruptions can lead to:

  • Operational delays that affect the whole supply chain – Studies suggest parcel shipments will double to 220 billion shipments worldwide by 2026.
  • Negative brand identity – Nearly seven out of ten shoppers abandon brands if their purchase isn’t delivered within two days the stipulated time frame.   
  • Lost sales and customer loyalty – Customer acquisition costs can amount to 25% more retention costs.
  • Inventory and asset misplacements that contribute to higher TCO – Improper storage and handling has created a $750 billion loss in the food industry alone.
  • Worker stress that fuels labor turnover rates – With turnover rates exceeding 30%, warehouses simply can’t afford to risk complex systems requiring longer training and onboarding time.
What Makes Intelligent Automation So Smart image

Sense, Evaluate, and Expand

Streamlining workflows from multiple areas in the warehouse, truly intelligent automation solutions should be able to leverage captured data into actionable insight without hindering productivity. Assess a solution’s intelligence by analyzing its capacity to accomplish the following three goals:

  1. It empowers you to sense change while communicating with supporting systems such as your WMS, ERP, and TMS. For example, Zebra’s Fortified Android enables greater intelligence by aggregating new applications into its open ecosystem, ultimately facilitating data sharing between systems and departments.
  2. It simplifies data evaluation to create actionable insights. Paper-based data systems have been shown to be more error-prone, thus complicating actionable intelligence since workers must navigate through several logs and systems. On the other hand, automated data capture and RFID solutions eliminate complications while accelerating data entry with less touchpoints and room for error.
  3. It’s expandable for the whole warehouse and future employees as operations grow. Since demands are only expected to continue increasing, technologies should welcome the possibilities of high demand, longer shifts, and tougher work environments. Rugged hardware such as Zebra’s handheld MC9300 exemplifies this well by pairing its ultra-rugged design with a user-friendly Android interface for easy deployment. The result is a scalable mobility solution fit for indoor and outdoor use year-round.

Based on these three goals, there are many next-generation technologies that can form an intelligent automation solution. With the help of an experienced solution design team, you can start building a modernization plan that best suits your warehouse. Contact us for more information.

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We’ve been discussing the rising popularity of intelligent automation in today’s warehouses. However, while a vast majority of operations are enhancing teams with multi-functional hardware, many businesses still struggle to use new technologies since well over half of workforces are outsourced and/or cyclical. Outsourcing crucial workflows, such as picking and shipping, creates a challenge in user adoption since new hires must be constantly re-trained, halting productivity and order throughput.

While Android-based devices have been shown to decrease adoption rates through a familiar interface, workers may still face issues when it comes to other core applications such as inventory management, WMS updates, and communication channels. Studies show that almost half of warehouses experience IT breakdowns at least a few days a week, most stemming from:

  • Dropped connectivity
  • Inefficient scan engines
  • Missed software updates
  • Lack of standardization
  • Missed maintenance schedules

To prevent these issues from diminishing the impact of automation efforts, Zebra’s Mobility DNA applications offer an additional level of adaptable intelligence to modernized devices that’s easy to adopt by your changing labor force.

Competitive intelligence is built from the inside out

Designed with simplicity in mind, Zebra’s Mobility DNA apps tackle the pervasive problems of IT breakdowns by:

  1. Securing WiFi connectivity within the four walls – Connectivity is the backbone of unbroken uptime, which is why Zebra’s WorryFree WiFi delivers no-drop WiFi connectivity to protect productivity with near-instant response times.
  2. Integrating intelligent data capture – Digitization eliminates the failures of manual data entry, but applications like SimulScan and DataWedge go a step farther by enabling multiple barcode scanning and instant data transmission for minimized keystrokes and faster throughput.
  3. Automatic updates and security patches – With the high prevalence of cyberthreats in today’s digital world, companies can no longer compromise on security. Zebra’s LifeGuard works alongside Android’s automatic OS updates with recurring 90-day security patches, extending device lifecycle up to 10 years.
  4. Converting legacy apps without backend modifications – Although touchscreen apps are more conductive for faster adoption, legacy green-screen apps are more familiar to the older workforce and contain a clear workflow layout. That’s where apps like All-Touch Terminal Emulation come in handy in order to convert TE apps right out of the box for immediate use without app rewriting.
  5. Facilitated remote device management – As the workforce grows, so does the need for more devices, which makes device management indispensable. Apps like PowerPrecision held track battery lifespan, virtually eliminating downtime from battery failure.

These are just a few of the benefits Mobility DNA brings. Download the full guide to see more.

Intelligent modernization takes many forms. Create a system that best adapts to your workforce with Avalon. Contact our automation experts for a close evaluation of your current solution to see how you can get started.

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Zebra’s latest Warehouse Vision Study illustrated a very clear picture: Automation has become the center focus of the modern supply chain. Over three quarters of warehouses across the globe have committed to embracing automation by enhancing the workforce with intelligent modernized technologies like rugged tablets and mobile computers. As newer technologies are released and redefine supply chain efficiency, new benefits and features are introduced to fast-paced operations. However, despite product variety, it is still crucial to expect the following benefits from your modernization solution:

  1. Enterprise-ready durability – Whether in the plummeting temperatures of a cold storage unit or the heat of an outside distribution yard, enterprise devices must be designed to retain high-performance functionality despite external conditions. Newer technologies do this by integrating greater IP ratings, condensation-resistant screens, greater drop specs above 5ft., and even disinfectant-ready casing to withstand constant antibacterial wipe downs.
  2. Future-proof operating systems – Without proper security patches and updates, Microsoft’s outdated operating systems can slow down operations while excluding important applications from your enterprise devices. On the other hand, systems such as Android for Enterprise protect uptime with automatic silent updates. Zebra’s Fortified Android goes a step farther by extending update lifecycles up to 10 years.
  3. Simplistic ease of use – Although new devices are capable of doing more than their legacy versions, they should still retain user-friendliness in order to facilitate onboarding and deployment with minimal downtime.
  4. Quick adaptability to change – Whether it be increased labor turnover rates or sudden product demand, adaptable technologies and software can accommodate change through maximized ease of use and/or open app ecosystem. This minimizes disruptions within workflows, protecting productivity rates.
  5. Trustworthy security parameters – For obvious reasons, cybersecurity has become a vital necessity within the Digital Age. Once again, Zebra’s fortified Android exemplifies aggressive data security with recurring security patches, government-grade encryption, and tiered authorization levels for a variety of mobile devices.
  6. Dependable connectivity – When changes occur, the whole supply chain may be affected, which is why sustainable connectivity is key to keeping all departments updated in real-time.
  7. Increased visibility – Lastly, modernized technology should be committed to optimizing operational visibility in order to prevent surprise downtime, bottlenecks, and extraneous costs. For example, mobile computers contribute to enhanced visibility by eliminating manual data entry from receiving and loading docks, boosting inventory accuracy for minimal out-of-stocks.

Come Take the Closer Look

As a Zebra Premier Solutions Partner, Avalon will take the next few weeks to dive into the expanding benefits Zebra’s latest technologies bring to the modern warehouse in addition to the ones highlighted above. From new printing standards to a whole new tablet interface, discover a new level of modernized efficiency when you contact our modernization experts today to learn more.

Way before the global pandemic, modern order fulfillment had already proven to be both complex and fast-paced. As e-commerce continues to fuel the now-economy, today’s fulfillment centers and supply chains find themselves in a competitive landscape to meet evolving customer demands such as:

  • Faster order delivery falling between 1 to 5 business days
  • Ability to track orders as they move down the supply chain
  • Certified worker safety, disinfection, and contactless transactions
  • Continuous stock availability 
  • Seamless and free returns

Failing to meet any of these requirements can hinder the customer experience, ultimately impacting brand loyalty, satisfaction rates, and profitability. While there are several ways to optimize each requirement, data capture automation stands as a simplistic method to start securing efficiency and greater visibility across the whole supply chain with less workflow modifications. 

What to look for in your automated data capture solution?

Studies indicate that while 72% of businesses are investing in technologies designed to reduce TCO, about a fifth of companies still struggle to implement effective automation. Easy-to-deploy and cost-effective, automated data capture has taken center stage as a bridge to softly allow businesses to modernize without restructuring their operations. To accomplish this, modernized data capture should…

  • Integrate intelligent capabilities – While general-purpose scanners can effectively capture barcodes within a controlled setting, warehouses may be operating in busy and/or extreme conditions. That’s why intelligent scanners must be able to capture small, fading, and even scratched barcodes in a variety of surfaces, sometimes multiple codes at once. Applications like Zebra’s SimulScan and Multi-Code Data Formatting (for mobile computers and handheld scanners respectively) illustrate this by capturing specific barcodes within one larger document. Intelligent PRZM imaging also helps expand scanner performance by accelerating data capture and deciphering inferior barcodes for accurate scans. 
  • Connect with your data processing system – Your digital devices are merely an extension of your team, which means they should strive to connect teams. Solutions combining data capture and computing within one device cut complicated workflows by keeping your data accessible and safe through one platform.  Collected data can be converted to actionable insights and timely updates to prevent future complications before they arise.
  • Be scalable and adaptable – Demands can change in a blink of an eye. Consequently, a modernized scanning solution should be able to readily adapt to fluctuating workforce size, stringent disinfection cycles, longer shifts, and increased order throughput without increasing training times or radically changing crucial applications. This is where intelligent rugged scanner design combined with an intuitive software can help maintain uptime in the midst of change, freeing up your teams to focus on other opportunities for growth. 

See how Zebra’s DataCapture DNA continues to simplify scanning automation in our video:

As a Zebra Premier Solutions Partner, Avalon Integration works with a wide variety of enterprise-ready scanners and mobile computers to seamlessly automate data capture. To see how you can start upgrading your scanning systems without disrupting operations, contact our modernization team for a free assessment.  

In the digital age, efficient innovation can take many forms, which is why Avalon’s modernization experts are constantly watching and experimenting with the latest trends. As solutions like robotics, machine intelligence, and time-efficient automation continue to reshape the post-pandemic world, we’ve invited our team to share valuable insights as to how you can benefit from these new modernization initiatives. Tune into our podcast to learn more:

With over 70% of warehouses planning to enhance the workforce with automated solutions, there has never been a riper time to start modernizing. To see how you can start integrating future-forward technologies into your workflows, reach out to our team for a comprehensive assessment of your opportunities.

Innovative technologies, such as machine learning and real-time locationing, have long served as prime examples of today’s modernization efforts in warehousing, yet these disruptive initiatives have also been seen as “too complex” and “far off” by many operations -largely because of common misconceptions such as:

  • “Modernization requires extensive piloting and time to produce measurable ROI.”
  • “Modernization is only suitable for large-scale operations.” 
  • “Modernization will replace human operators.”
  • “Modernization is too expensive.”

With at least 69% of businesses claiming to have poor visibility into their supply chains, the time for misconceptions such as these is over. Because the digital era demands both speed and accuracy equally, outdated warehouse processes are no longer suitable to keep you competitive. However, modernization doesn’t have to be as complicated as you think, which is why we wanted to bring clarity to the four statements presented above:

  • “Modernization requires extensive piloting and time to produce measurable ROI.”

Design and piloting allow your team to test and tweak your solution for best results; however, extensive testing can drain budgets while causing downtime due to longer training periods. Nevertheless, modern touchscreen interfaces and Android’s user-friendly platform are developed to help minimize training for faster deployment and ROI. As a matter of fact, TE-app converters such as Zebra’s All-Touch Terminal Emulation help convert “green-screen” apps right out of the box without backend modifications for faster integration. 

  • “Modernization is only suitable for large-scale operations.” 

Working with a wide range of clients, from small and growing businesses to Fortune 500 companies, we’ve seen modernization solutions built with enterprise-grade technologies readily adapt in various-sized businesses. By streamlining multiple tasks through one device, technologies like the MC9300 computer can accomplish several specialized tasks through one intuitive interface, adapting to different workloads while accommodating growth.  

  • “Modernization will replace human operators.”

This is a common -and serious- concern regarding warehouse modernization, yet studies show that over 70% of warehouses actually plan to enhance human labor with partial automation. Simply put, while computers can intelligently gather and deliver information, human minds are still crucial to executing final decisions. For example, Zebra’s MotionWorks solution incorporates future-forward RFID locationing to track in-motion inventory and provide actionable insights that allow your workforce to make accurate plans to meet future needs and overcome challenges before they happen. By automating repetitive tasks, a modernized warehouse can also empower the workforce to deal with more high-level tasks.   

  • “Modernization is too expensive.”

Because effective modernization does not require a complete restructuring of your operations, it may actually be more affordable than previously imagined. On the flipside, outdated technologies can lead to high inaccuracies, missed compliance codes, multiple device servicing contracts, and frequent tech support and downtime – all greatly contributing to operational costs.  As a Zebra Premier Solutions Partner, Avalon works hard to make modernization as seamless and cost-effective as possible. Upgrade legacy devices from any manufacturer through the GO Zebra Trade-In Program to get cash back rebates up to $650 per device towards your upgrade. 

Every operation possesses its own unique requirements, which is why we know there may be other concerns and misunderstandings beyond what was covered. Contact us today to see how efficient modernization can help ease your doubts and turn challenges into opportunity.