Entries by Avalon


Bridge the Gap Between Mobile Workforce and the Office

You put your field workforce out on the road to increase agility and give your customers the rapid response they expect. But to make sure every driver and field tech can do their jobs without delays, you need to keep them connected—with the office and each other. Avalon Integration is always on the lookout for […]


Problem-Solving Starts with an Assessment!

When you’re not feeling well, do you go to the doctor and tell him what tests and medications you want? Unless you have medical training, probably not. You seek out a professional when you need advice and an informed “diagnosis”. Problem-solving starts with an assessment. At the fast pace of technology’s advances, you should use […]


Zebra’s Mobility DNA Is Evident in the New Generation TC52

Mobility is a common term that is thrown about these days. From business to pleasure, we’re all looking for the technology that delivers the functions we want with the reliable connections we’ve come to expect. On the industrial side, Zebra is known for its suite of mobility functions and tools for industrial-grade computing. And Zebra’s […]


Zebra TC52: A New Class in Enterprise-Class Touch Computing

The Zebra TC51 mobile computer proved valuable to many of Avalon Integration’s customers—in manufacturing, warehouses, distribution centers, and for field mobility. Looking every bit like a smartphone, the TC51 provided far more ruggedness and computing power than anything in its class. Then, Zebra upped the game and launched the TC52 which delivers a whole new […]