
Peak season highlights what consumers are demanding from warehouses so decision-makers can adjust. Higher consumer demands and increased shipping costs pressure warehouse decision-makers to find solutions that improve inventory accuracy and shipping efficiency. To manage the new year, the warehouse industry is employing several strategies to deal with potential shipping problems ahead. Studies indicate that over half of warehouse decision makers intend to grow their networks as a strategy for the new year. Additionally, surveys show that 85% of warehouse decision-makers have implemented mobility solutions, so frontline workers can improve inventory accuracy. Despite this, 79% of warehouse decision makers are concerned they will not meet their business objectives without automated systems to handle the following challenges:

  • More SKUs stores in the warehouse
  • Labor shortages
  • Omnichannel shopping
  • Competition in the on-demand economy
  • Less or unused warehouse space
  • Fulfillment demands


Set Your Operations Up for Success


Higher returns after peak season, labor shortages, and a greater risk of cybercrime can decrease warehouse efficiency in the new year. To combat these issues, automation experts recommend preparing operations for incoming changes with future-forward technologies. Consider these solutions that make it easier to navigate challenges with simple but effective warehousing:


  1. Modernized order fulfillment technologies – A big trend and issue that continues for warehouses this year and next year are labor shortages. Recent studies show that 73% of warehouse operators can’t find enough labor. Enterprise robotics can help manage the pains of fewer workers and higher labor costs with 3 times more productivity and 50% faster order picking. Robotics also puts less stress on employees in smaller labor pools and can keep workers focused on non-repetitive tasks.
  2. Connected warehouses and supply chain – A more connected workforce that is informed on deliveries and orders helps your workers stay prepared for the new year’s challenges. Efficient connectivity can help improve asset visibility for smoother reverse logistics and a stronger enterprise network is prepared for cyber threats.
  3. Easy to use mobile powercarts that improve productivityDependable mobility from powercarts provides power to your mobile devices like tablets and printers for more than 8 hours. Reliable power ensures warehouses don’t lose productivity or drain cost. Mobile Power Carts are easy to use and provide unparalleled features for uninterrupted warehousing.


After the holiday season, businesses will need enterprise technology to keep up with challenges like continuing labor shortages and higher returns on top of high expectations. Get more information about how you can optimize inventory accuracy and warehouse visibility with the right solutions.

Reverse logistics has become a tough challenge for businesses because of the rise in e-commerce and the demand for easy and free returns. Businesses that achieve hassle-free returns retain more customers and improve brand identity. Studies show that 92% of consumers say they will buy again if the product return process is easy, and 79% of consumers want free return shipping. Additionally, the reverse logistics market projects to grow. Studies estimate that the global reverse logistics market size expects to reach $937.1 billion in 2022. Studies show the costs of handling returns jumped 59% due to supply chain and labor issues last year.


Businesses could suffer from higher return, shipping, and handling costs when they fail to meet consumer expectations for seamless returns. Researchers suggest that moving backward through the supply chain is actually more difficult because there isn’t a priority for efficient returns and products move against the normal flow of products. Consider following these steps to ensure your return process is optimized:

  1. Know why your returns happen in the first place – Given the expense that comes with returns, you should try to find why consumers are returning items. Awareness of reasons for returns can help you determine if you have the right return policy and if it’s playing a role in a higher volume of returns.
  2. Put transparent monitoring systems in place – Implement innovative monitoring systems that monitor assets throughout the return process. When companies improve asset visibility during reverse logistics they find areas that need improvement and can work to improve quality.
  3. Implement clear and easy return policies – E-commerce has created specific customer expectations for purchasing, and in this case, returning products. Since consumers are expecting free and same-day shipping, create a simple return process that can meet or be close to these requirements.
  4. Invest in the right technology – In addition to an effective inventory management system, you can digitize inventory updates with handheld devices. Consistent digital updates to inventory counts help improve your accuracy and speed for reverse logistics. Mobile devices can help workers accurately read tags and labels to improve accuracy and speed during the return process.
  5. Add return labels on the original shipping and packaging – Just simply adding the right return labels can reduce delays dramatically, while simultaneously improving customer satisfaction. Enterprise labeling helps the product get back much more quickly and helps the customer, which improves efficiency in the entire return process.


Visibility into the return process, clear and easy returns, dependable technology, and correct labeling can give your business what it needs to optimize reverse logistics. Simple solutions like this make the return process more valuable and cost-efficient.

A return process should be as simple and efficient as a delivery process. Learn more about what you can do to optimize reverse logistics and supply chain efficiency.

Last mile deliveries add up to big costs companies must control to improve supply chain efficiency. With peak season coming up, the potential for higher demands can make it harder to control delivery costs and maintain consistent shipping. Studies estimate that last mile deliveries account for over 41% of overall supply chain costs and 53% of total shipping costs. Additionally, studies indicate almost half of consumers will not buy from a company again if an order is late. Therefore, transportation decision-makers should find ways to improve delivery and meet consumer expectations while managing costs so they don’t go over budget.


Solutions that manage last mile costs, especially during peak season, can help businesses avoid missed delivery dates, inflated shipping and delivery costs, and irritated customers. To ensure your business controls last-mile costs and meets deliveries timelines, consider:

  • Optimizing routing and mapping
  • Offering more flexible delivery options
  • Keeping consumers and drivers informed with real-time updates
  • Verifying deliveries


Inaccurate routes and incomplete visibility can lead to higher costs and inconsistent delivery timelines. Supply chains will see unsatisfied customers and suffer lost productivity during the holiday season if decision-makers don’t find solutions to manage the last-mile.


Controlling your Delivery Process

Fortunately, businesses can improve visibility and optimize routes with proper connectivity, inventory tracking, and enterprise labels. Get these solutions for your business to help…


  1. Keep drivers connected for delivery verification and live updates – A more connected delivery team prevents disruptions with cloud-based data storage, mobile computers with push-to-talk capabilities, and long-range and flexible networking. Expanded connectivity and more storage can help drivers connect to teams. As fuel prices fluctuated this year, flexible network connectivity and RFID locationing can integrate visibility to track field teams and optimize travel routes.
  2. Manage track and trace – Dependable locationing from rugged enterprise devices like RFID gives field and delivery teams dependable real-time connectivity. Instant communication enables quick route changes and schedule updates to adjust workflows with minimal costly interruptions. When delivery teams face fewer interruptions, it reduces last mile costs.
  3. Proper inventory identification – Ensure your inventory items are properly identified and moved through the supply chain with enterprise labels. Certified labels built for enterprise use ensure compliance, have maximum adhesive strength, and are smear and fade-resistant. Inventory that is properly and timely labeled helps delivery drivers deliver the correct products on time, every time to control costs.

The last-mile makes up a high total of supply chain costs and can be the difference in meeting customer expectations. Learn more about how you can prioritize the delivery process with Avalon.