
Ten years ago, the modern warehouse looked a lot different than it does today. Manual data-entry predominated most operations, and smart technologies, such as versatile tablets and RFID locationing seemed more like science-fiction than reality. Needless to say, today’s modern warehouse has shattered previous standards with unparalleled mobility, greater visibility, and designed ergonomics. 

However, change does not stop.

According to Zebra’s 2019 Warehousing Vision Study, over three-quarters of surveyed warehouses are increasing their competitiveness by equipping workers with intelligent technology. RFID, blockchain, and virtual reality have been coined as disruptive technologies set to shape field operations, along with 5G technology when it finally arrives with full force in 2023. Other notable modernization drivers include the prevalence of social media shopping –which will account for a fifth of returned shipments in the coming decade–  and drop shipping, which is already the preferred fulfillment method of 33% of online stores. At face value, modernization may seem overwhelming and confusing, yet as experts in innovative efficiency, Avalon Integration is ready to share tips and hints on how to navigate the wonderful world of warehouse modernization. 

Data Entry Modernization to improve your warehouse

Go Where Manual Data-Entry Has Never Been Before

From bottlenecks to missed deliveries, manual data entry can impact workflows throughout your supply chain. On the other hand, modernization elevates productivity with greater accuracy, visibility, and affordability. Before beginning any modernization strategy, we recommend keeping three considerations in mind:

  • Different levels of automation may be required – Although intelligent, automated systems can’t do everything independently, which is why different levels of automation can enhance your current workforce without eliminating necessary labor. As a result, your modernization strategy should include user-friendly devices that collaborate with your workforce.
  • Scalability is crucial – In 2010, e-commerce accounted for 7.2% of total retail sales. Nine years later, it has contributed over $3 trillion worldwide, with several online stores actually opening real brick-and-mortar locations. Therefore, chosen technologies should be able to transition in and out of the warehouse with ease.
  • Enterprise-grade devices make a difference – With more demand for expedited shipping, both your employees and their devices will face new environments, some more rigorous than others. Consequently, new mobile solutions should be durable from the inside out to endure tough conditions with unbroken functionality.

In line with our commitment to innovative productivity, Avalon is proud to introduce Zebra Technologies’ newest generation of enterprise-grade technology, intelligently rugged and adaptable to your growing workforce.

With the right tools, the modernization journey is made simple. Start your optimization process with the leaders in integrated efficiency, and face change confidently with the best resources available.