
Analysts at Inc. Magazine estimate that the average delivery driver can deliver close to 200 packages in an 8-hour shift, one package per 2 minutes and 24 seconds –breaks included. As the demand for same-day shipping and online retail grows, the estimate shrinks. Modern-day field services have become ever more complex as mobile workers face multiple obstacles throughout the day. Researchers at the Capgemini Consulting Group outline several issues facing field mobility, with the top three being:

  1. Escalating Fuel Costs
  2. Changing Business/Technology Practices
  3. Maintaining Customer Satisfaction

As the market evolves, Avalon Integration identifies the value of extending efficient organizational patterns in field service. Emphasizing connectivity, flexibility, and innovation, our mobility experts equip you with versatile tools that minimize stress. Simplifying field demands for over twenty years, we’re introducing Zebra’s Rugged Tablets as the foundation of next-generation mobility solutions —designed for wild challenges of field service.

Work with Technology that Works for You with Zebra’s Rugged Tablets

Committed to enterprise success, Avalon Integration makes sure new implementations streamline workflows efficiently. As a result, we’ve chosen Zebra’s Rugged Tablets as a user-friendly and innovative launchpad into optimized functionality.

Increased Connectivity with Zebra Rugged Tablets

Get Increased Connectivity with Zebra Rugged Tablets

Enhance customer satisfaction with increased connectivity — Track your workforce’s whereabouts and routes to better predict delivery times with the help of 802.11ac WiFi, NFC, Bluetooth, GPS, and 4G LTE mobile broadband technology. Plus, combine connectivity with data capture on Zebra’s XSLATE to update delivery logs on-the-fly.

Flexible Business Technology Practices with Zebra Rugged Tablets

Get Flexible Business Technology Practices with Zebra Rugged Tablets

Raise the bar with flexible business and technology practices — Operating through Zebra’s fortified Android OS, these rugged tablets secure uptime with faster onboarding and maximized security that expands the device lifecycle. Functional in three different models, Zebra’s Rugged Tablets fit your workforce’s usage needs. Lastly, further boost productivity with Zebra’s Mobility DNA applications, which allow you to manage devices remotely, conduct small repairs independently, and maximize connectivity all with a tap on your touchscreen.

Focus on What Matters with Zebra Rugged Tablets

Focus on What Matters with Zebra Rugged Tablets

Cut extraneous costs to focus on what matters — While Zebra’s Rugged Tablets can’t bring down gas prices, they can minimize repair costs with a durable IP65 sealing and military-grade design. Functional in extreme temperatures and altitudes, tablets reduce costly downtime from repairs and replacements, maximizing profits that can be allocated towards fuel and other important expenses. As always, Avalon facilitates upgrades through the GO Zebra Trade-In Program. Drive down upgrade costs when you trade in outdated devices from any manufacturer for a cash-back rebate towards your newest device.

Despite all its benefits, Zebra’s Rugged Tablets are only the start of mobility enhancement. From novel software to multi-functional peripherals, equip your mobile workforce with all the tools they need to overcome the challenges of field service with the utmost ease. Contact Avalon Integration today to create an end-to-end mobility solution based on your workforce’s greatest needs and bring productivity beyond the four walls.