Entries by Avalon


This Is How RFID Is Changing the World

With over 15 million tags deployed worldwide, RFID technology continues to revolutionize multiple industries across the globe, establishing an $11 billion industry of its own. Technology researchers at IDTechEX forecast a continuous increase in RFID solutions as new implementations emerge such as: Improved baggage management for airlines Threshold management in healthcare facilities  Automated (cashier-less) shopping […]


RFID on Metal is Finally Here

Since its inception in 1948, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has revolutionized tracking operations across multiple industries. Developed to identify ally and enemy aircrafts during World War II, RFID technology has no permeated in several industries. Tracking pharmaceutical specimens, warehouse stock deliveries, maintenance records, and everything else in between, today’s RFID labels have been optimized through […]


Tips and Hints: How Fast Becomes Faster

Today’s supply chains are fast, but in a world where you can have designer shoes delivered by a flying drone in less than 30 minutes, the question remains: How much faster can the modern workflow get? Between new delivery services, changing social platforms, and revolutionary technology, the on-demand market becomes increasingly more demanding as customers […]


9 Ways Quality Labels Maximize ROI

If time is money, then it’s fair to assume no one wants to spend more time than necessary working with faulty labeling systems. From scraping misprinted labels to reprinting incorrect tags, inefficient labeling systems can drain time -and money- from your supply chain. While many factors can impact label efficiency, Avalon Integration focuses on a […]


A Clean Printhead is a Happy Printhead

Much like keeping up with car maintenance, preserving a functional printer is essential for your workflow and requires careful attention to small details issues before they become irreversible damage. Replacing a car filter is better than replacing a whole cooling system. Similarly, replacing low-quality consumables is easier (and better) than replacing a $900 printhead. Unlike […]


You are What You Eat…And That’s Why You Need Compliance Labels

Labels matter. Such a small statement is constantly put to the test in supermarkets across the nation since labels serve as the deciding factor in allowing foods to fall into customers’ hands. Equipped with an extensive list of requirements and regulations, government organizations such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) studies product labels to […]


Tips and Hints: Is Your Warehouse Cyber Monday Ready?

The U.S. Postal Service shipped approximately 900 million packages during the 2018 holiday season. Other delivery services such as UPS reported shipping 100,000 packages a day, 1,700 packages a minute. With more purchases coming from online shopping, Cyber Monday alone brought as much as $7.9 billion in profits in 2018. This year, Adobe Analytics predicts […]


The Versatile Future is Here: See How the TC57 Fits Your Dynamic Workflow

On June 19th, 2018, the United States Patent and Trademark Office issued its 10 millionth patent, testifying a nation’s commitment to innovation and technological advancements. From the overarching internet to self-driving cars, technology has advanced to deliver innovation to virtually every industry worldwide — all in less than 30 years. Facing what’s been coined as […]


Bad Labels Mean Bad Business

You have the best team. You have the best technology. You have the best clients, and we trust you have the best supply provider, but even the most efficient companies can suffer the monumental losses at the hands of the smallest team-players: inadequate labels. To ensure our clients maximize their profits without compromising inventory tracking, […]